miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

La Isis dorada

I read this book when I was 24 years old and I loved it.It was important to me because it was the first book of a long list of books about hidden treasures, lost temples, remote lands and forgotten cultures, specially Egyptian culture.I like reading books about Egypt, specially novels set in the ancient Egypt.
Ancient traditions mix with presents traditions.The book begins in the sixth century in the desert where the last Egyptian temple is looted and destroyed.The novel was set in our time, in Madrid and Barcelona. Vandalic attacks of Christian fanatics against Egyptian shops endanger Christmas. But for the art graduate Jaime Azcárate the Christmas turned out into an adventure.With the help of a communist, an enigmatic Austrian woman, an antiques dealer and a policeman who works out of the law, Azcárate had short time to discover a mistery more than 20 centuries old.
African monks, Colombian killers, famous fortune-tellers and all the Egyptian vault made this novel an exciting adventure. All the characters, places and details made this novel one of my favourite books.
By Loreto Fernández.
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