miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Blog Activity - "Women Artist s. XX & XXI" - M Marticorena

"Women Artists of the s. XX and XXI"
Uta Grosenick
                                              Taschen Gmbh, 2002

This book shows us a broad overview of the different and unique ways in which women artists have developed their artworks over the last century to the present. Three things, artworks made by women, different art trends and techniques, and lots of illustrations are the most important and significant contributions of this book to me.

First of all, I love artworks made by women because I am a woman and an artist too. Our artworks have a different approach from artworks that have been made by men. However, I don´t want to contradict myself in this matter. It is only my personal artistic taste.

Second, by looking and reading art I have always learnt and discovered something new about contemporary art because the "Women Artist" book includes techniques as varied as painting, drawing, performances, live art, video-installations, or body art, etc.

Third, the book has lots of color illustrations with an excellent good quality; the reason why I enjoy so much looking at those pictures which so  cause me many sensations.

As you can see, I love this book because the variety of artworks made by women makes me enter an unknown and exciting world of feelings and emotions



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